Top 5 things you must know about your periods!

Do you know that women have around 400 periods during their reproductive life span!
Still they never fail to amaze or scare us!
Aren’t they?!
1. Normal Periods falls from 28-37 days cycle
But they visited on 9th last month so why am I not getting it on 9th this month?

There are couple of reasons why, how you’re going to eat, sleep, breathe, move, binge
watch or cry over a breakup has significant effects on those days of the month.
Better believe in self-care from now on!
2. Our flow could vary from 3-7 days
No two women on this earth bleed alike!

Just like eye colour, hair texture, finger prints, gut microbes or DNA periods are also
Bio-individual and that’s the beauty of it!
3. Period cramps are not normal
Just because it’s felt by everyone doesn’t make it normal. Uterus has an endometrial lining that gets shed under the influence of prostaglandins that contract and make you suffer every month.

But hey! Why would a body give you pain?
We have similar prostaglandins to fight back & relax.
Bid final good bye to this age old saying & always ask for help when needed!
4. Your flow will be different on different days
From the beginning towards the end it may start as a spotting – flow – stops or vice versa. Both ways are absolutely normal.

Say hello to rising estrogen & get prepared for a gush of energy!
5. Period blood is pure!
It’s time squash age old saying that you can’t enter into a temple because you’re impure.It’s nothing more than shredded endometrial aka uterine wall, blood, pubes, cervical mucus and perspiration down there!

Not to forget the scented chemicals from your period product if you use one.
Though consistency and appearance might look different this is high time you accept & respect your physiology!